Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive, highly effective treatment, for chronic "stubborn" injuries. Research shows a high success rate with long term relief, especially with treating chronic tendon injuries. Shockwave therapy helps to break down adhesions, calcium build up, plaque, and scar tissue using acoustic sound waves, which then helps to increase blood flow, regenerate damaged tissues, and ultimately reduce the nagging pain.
TRIO Health is the only clinic that helps to treat multiple chronic injuries and pains using shockwave therapy in the Honolulu area. We are excited for you to try this modern, non invasive, low risk treatment to help you avoid surgery and get you back to work and enjoying life again with no down time!
Read the 2020 research here! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7275282/
Trusted and used by
Our Process
Non-invasive surgical alternative
No down time
Great Results
Shockwave Therapy Treatments
Shockwave Statistics
Improvement for plantar fasciitis
Improvement for calcific tendonitis of the shoulder
Improvement for tennis elbow(lateral epicondylitis)
Improvement for Achilles tendinopathy
Relief for Myfascial Trigger Point
Improvement for patellar tendonitis (jumper's knee)
Improvement for hamstring injuries
Non invasive